Coding for Kids Syllabus
October 11, 2023 2023-10-11 7:07Coding for Kids Syllabus
Coding for Kids
To the Next Generation of coders, solve the problem, write the code, and save the day!
Start your coding adventure
Unlock the limitless possibilities.
The Course
Coding for Kids is a LIVE instructor-led online lesson where students learn coding by doing.
The LIVE session keeps the classes interactive as they resolve their doubts at the very moment. Guided by the instructor, kids will build their first app and create games by playing games.
Skilltootr offers a fun and engaging course curriculum to its students. While students learn the language of technology, they will be tapping into the limitless opportunities from a very young age.
Furthermore, Coding provides more than just technical skills. Kids can develop numerous soft skills like problem-solving, communication, storytelling, writing, and self-confidence.
Why Coding?
- Coding is not the goal, it is the gateway to infinite opportunities in the 21st century.
- Coders have a problem-solving mindset. So, It allows children to develop such a mindset at a young age.
- Enhance computational thinking.
- Help develop soft skills like communication and self-esteem.
- It strengthens the logic-based creativity among learners.
“We want every kid in the world to be excited about the many possibilities coding can unlock – for themselves, for their communities, and for society.”- Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google
Code for You
Learn coding for yourself. We don’t expect you to be a programmer if you don’t want to be. But imagine how you can protect yourself from cyber threats.
Besides the money and career factor which is appealing, you can be an innovator, and create an app for yourself.
Code for Others
Learn to code to protect the people around you. When you know how things go behind and what can be a threat to your family and relatives, you can protect them.
Think of the cyber threats that you can prevent from happening.
Code for World
You can create a lasting impact just by creating apps for your community. You can reach millions of lives with the technology you have.
Open up a world of opportunities.
Coding For Kids: Teach them Future Skill
Day 1: Introduction
- Introduction to the course and the teacher
- What is coding?
- Why is coding important and examples using real-life scenarios?
- Icebreaker activities for eg:
- Name Game: Have each student say their name and something they like that starts with the same letter as their name (e.g. “Hi, my name is Sarah and I like strawberries”).
- Emoji Introductions: Ask each student to introduce themselves using only emojis. They can choose emojis that represent their name, their hobbies, or anything else they want to share.
- Classroom practice: Students write their names using code in Scratch.
Day 2: Introduction to Block-Based Programming
- Introduction to the Scratch programming environment
- Familiarization with the Scratch interface
- Creation of simple animations and games using Scratch
- Classroom practice: Create a simple animation using Scratch that showcases a character moving across the screen.
Day 3: Introduction to Variables and Loops
- Introduction to variables with real-life example and their use in programming
- Introduction to loops and their real-life example and use in programming
- Creation of programs that utilize variables and loops
- Classroom practice: Create a program using Scratch that utilizes variables and loops to create a game.
Day 4: Introduction to Conditionals
- Introduction to conditionals and their use in programming
- Creation of programs that utilize conditionals
- Practice with creating if/else statements and logical operators
- Class practice: Create a program using Scratch that utilizes conditionals to change the behavior of a character.
Day 5: More Practice with Conditionals
- Further practice with if/else statements and logical operators
- Introduction to nested conditionals
- Creation of programs that utilize nested conditionals
- Class practice: Create a program using Scratch that utilizes nested conditionals to create a branching story.
Day 6: Introduction to Functions
- Introduction to functions and their use in programming
- Creation of custom functions
- Practice with creating and calling functions
- Class practice: Create a program using Scratch that utilizes custom functions to create a game.
Day 7: More Practice with Functions
- Further practice with creating and calling functions
- Introduction to function parameters
- Creation of programs that utilize function parameters
- Class practice: Create a program using Scratch that utilizes function parameters to create a drawing program.
Day 8: Final Practice with Block-Based Programming
- Recap of all concepts covered so far
- Creation of a more complex project that utilizes multiple programming concepts
- Class practice: Create a final project using Scratch that utilizes all concepts covered so far
Day 9: JavaScript Basics using CodeGuppy
- Introduction to JavaScript
- Learning variables and data types
- Writing simple JavaScript code
- Class practice: Students create a program that asks the user for their name and displays a greeting on the webpage using JavaScript.
Day 10: JavaScript Basics
- Conditional statements and loops in JavaScript
- Creating a simple program using conditional statements and loops
- Class practice: Students create a program that asks the user for their age and displays a message depending on whether they are a child, a teenager, or an adult.
Day 11: JavaScript Functions
- Introduction to functions in JavaScript
- Creating and using functions in code
- Class practice: Students create a program that uses a function to calculate the area of a rectangle.
Day 12: JavaScript Functions
- Intermediate functions concepts in JavaScript
- Creating more complex functions involving mathematical calculations like the volume of a cylinder.
- Classroom practice: Students work on their own projects using functions, with guidance from the teacher, and present their projects to the class.
Day 13: JavaScript Events
- Introduction to events in JavaScript
- Learning how to use events to interact with the user
- Class practice: Students create a program that changes the background color of the webpage when the user clicks on a button.
Day 14: JavaScript Events
- Advanced event handling in JavaScript
- Creating more complex interactions with the user
- Classroom practice: Students work on their own projects using events, with guidance from the teacher, and present their projects to the class.
Day 15: HTML Basics
- Introduction to HTML
- Learning the basics of HTML tags and syntax
- Creating a simple HTML webpage
- Class practice: Students create a simple webpage that displays their favorite animal and some basic information about it.
Day 16: HTML Basics
- HTML concepts
- Classroom practice: Students work on their own web pages, with guidance from the teacher, and present their web pages to the class.
Day 17: CSS Basics
- Introduction to CSS
- Learning how to style HTML using CSS
- Classroom practice: Students create a simple styled webpage, with guidance from the teacher, and present their webpage to the class.
Day 18: CSS Basics
- Intermediate CSS concepts
- Introduction to color codes
- Creating more complex styles for web pages
- Classroom practice: Students work on their own styled webpages, with guidance from the teacher, and present their webpages to the class.
Day 19: JavaScript and HTML
- Introduction to using JavaScript with HTML
- Learning how to manipulate HTML using JavaScript
- Class practice: Students create a program that changes the text of a paragraph on the webpage when the user clicks on a button.
Day 20: JavaScript and HTML
Basic concepts in using JavaScript with HTML
- Classroom practice: Students work on their own projects using JavaScript and HTML, with guidance from the teacher, and present their projects. For eg: Using JavaScript, create a program that changes the text inside an HTML element with the id “demo” to “Hello, World!”.
- *Note: Also explain about ids and their significance
Day 21: Creating Simple Web Pages with Images and link to other pages
- We will learn how to add images and links to our web pages and create a simple web page with pictures.
- Class practice: Create a website add images and link it to other pages.
Day 22: Creating Simple Web Pages with Forms
- We will learn how to create forms on our web pages and create a simple form that asks for a name and an email address.
- Class practice: Create a website and add a form to it.
Day 23: Responsive Websites
- Introduction to Responsive Websites.
- Classroom practice: Students will use the website created on days 21 and 22 to make it responsive on all devices.
Day 24: Final Revision and project day
- We will put everything we have learned together and build a personal website. We will choose a topic and create a website with multiple pages, images, links, and forms.
- And also use the knowledge we learned in JavaScript to handle events on button click ie. change the background color of the website on button click. We will also make sure our website looks good on all devices(Basic concept).
Become a Coding Superstar!
Create your own games, build websites, or even develop apps.
Gain a solid understanding of coding and the programming concepts covered in this curriculum. Create a range of programs and games, including the Superman game, using various tools and techniques.
Hone your problem-solving skills and gain a new perspective on logic and critical thinking. Take the first step towards becoming a skilled programmer!